Public Relations Exchange Pty Ltd

ABN 71595434578

Business name

Public Relations Exchange


Stephen Kerr



Joseph Kerr

Junior Consultant

Stephen Kerr


Brian O'Neil


Patrick Rasmussen

Senior Consultant

Ruby Kerr


Current clients

Any clients which are currently represented by lobbyists will be listed below.

Danny Green's Stop the Coward's Punch Campaign

Date added: 9 Apr 2019

Community Clubs Victoria

Date added: 1 Oct 2018

Delaware North

Date added: 27 Mar 2018

EBOS Group

Date added: 27 Mar 2018

Johns Lyng Group

Date added: 16 June 2016

Kalari HSE

Date added: 12 July 2018

Kmart Australia

Date added: 11 July 2013

Marand Engineering

Date added: 8 Sept 2020


Date added: 12 July 2012

McMillan Shakespeare Group

Date added: 22 Feb 2018

Benjamin Duncan Aviation

Date added: 20 Dec 2018

Melanoma and Skin Cancer Trials

Date added: 4 June 2020

Nexia Australia

Date added: 27 Feb 2013

Puffing Billy Preservation Society

Date added: 4 June 2020

Gypsum & Fertilizer Pty Ltd

Date added: 27 Mar 2018

The Cannon Group

Date added: 14 Feb 2019

Think Childcare

Date added: 4 June 2020


Date added: 20 June 2014

Tyresmart Australia Pty Ltd

Date added: 11 July 2013

VIC Active

Date added: 8 Sept 2020

Victorian Transport Association

Date added: 14 Apr 2015

Victorian Waste Management

Date added: 12 July 2018

City Circle Group

Date added: 3 Aug 2022

Delta Group

Date added: 3 Aug 2022


Date added: 2 Nov 2022


Date added: 2 Nov 2022

City Circle Group

Date added: 30 Jan 2023

Delta Group

Date added: 30 Jan 2023

Klean Industries

Date added: 30 Jan 2023

PeopleCert International Limited

Date added: 30 Jan 2023

The Midfield Group

Date added: 1 June 2023

Maxsum Solutions Pty Ltd

Date added: 1 June 2023

Redzed Lending Solutions Pty Ltd

Date added: 1 June 2023

Australia Africa Chamber of Commerce Inc.

Date added: 1 June 2023


Date added: 1 June 2023

Former clients

Any former clients that have been represented by lobbyists in the last 12 months will be listed below.

Plan Partners

Date removed: 12 July 2024

Yarra Junior Football League

Date removed: 12 July 2024

Register details

Date joined:
1 Dec 2009
Date updated:
23 July 2024