FIPRA Australia Pty Limited

ABN 50078482596

Business name

FIPRA Australia


Richardson Coutts Pty Limited


John Richardson

A chief of staff, senior adviser or adviser in the private office of a Commonwealth or state minister, or parliamentary secretary

Shannan Manton

Stephen Coutts

A chief of staff, senior adviser or adviser in the private office of a Commonwealth or state minister, or parliamentary secretary

Current clients

Any clients which are currently represented by lobbyists will be listed below.

Fipra International

Date added: 7 July 2010

Royal Caribbean Cruises Limited

Date added: 1 Dec 2009

Former clients

Any former clients that have been represented by lobbyists in the last 12 months will be listed below.

Moderna TX Inc

Date removed: 8 July 2024

Register details

Date joined:
1 Dec 2009
Date updated:
17 July 2024